To the heart of the Euro crisis!
Well, maybe not the heart... Pancreas perhaps? After seriously hacking to sort out the correct visa (I <3 immigration bureaucracies), I'm off to Portugal!
Having enjoyed great visit home, I'll be packing this final sunburn and heading back to the European winter - a very relative concept after my time in the Nordics - to spend my final semester on exchange in Lisbon as part of this programme (which I'm doing in parallel to my primary Master's). I've heard very good reports from friends that have spent time in Lisbon before and I'm sure the same positive experiences await me. Although, if anyone's wondering, I'm not not complaining that my bursary is denominated in foreign currency...
Snarks about the strength of the country's balance sheet notwithstanding, I'm hoping to soak up some culture, history, language and generally have a good old time..
Bon Voyage Boa Viagem!
Snarks about the strength of the country's balance sheet notwithstanding, I'm hoping to soak up some culture, history, language and generally have a good old time..